Title I
Parent Resources
School Quality Profile Reports
Parent Resources
Title 1/Pre-K Calendars & Newsletters
Title I is a federally funded program to help students narrow the achievement gap within the classroom. Wise County Public Schools operate Title I Pre-Kindergarten Programs at St. Paul Elementary, Wise Primary, and Union Primary; and Title I Remediation programs at all primary and elementary schools.
Title I reading and mathematics instruction for students in kindergarten through grade four is offered at Coeburn Primary, J.W. Adams Combined School, Union Primary, St. Paul Elementary, and Wise Primary.
Parent and Community Engagement is encouraged within all the Title I Programs. Each school served by Title I has a Family Engagement Coordinator who plans and provides opportunities for parents and families.
Title I Schools:
Coeburn Primary School
J.W. Adams Combined School
Union Primary School
St. Paul Elementary School
Wise Primary School